Join Our Open Sessions

Everyone knows meditation is good but how to do it exactly? We teach beginners what is the true meaning of meditation and how to practice it properly.

  • Every Other Sunday at 16:00

Meditation is a key for success. This session will show you how to enhance your focus, positivity, creativity and unity. As you follow step by step you will find yourself leading a successful life in 2024. See you there

Centers in Africa

Centers abroad

Truth, Heaven, happiness, success, and health are all within your mind. We guide you on how to discover it by discarding karma, habits, and body.

Truth, Heaven, happiness, success, and health are all within your mind. We guide you on how to discover it by discarding karma, habits, and body.

Footer location

629A Duiwelskloof St., Faerie Glen, Pretoria 0081 SouthAfrica

Footer time

7am - 9pm. 7 days a week

Footer phone

+27 71 618 3198

(c) 2022 Meditation Pretoria